Savoury Pancakes with Sun Vegetables

by Caroline

On September 2020, I am taking on the challenge of offering you a new recipe every day based on a seasonal vegetable or fruit.

Today let’s enjoy a bit more Sun Vegetables!

These sunny days in September make me want to flavour most of my dishes with sunny vegetables. These pancakes are no exception to the rule: dried tomatoes, mozzarella, spinach…

Savoury pancakes?

Have you ever tried savory pancakes? For me, it wasn’t my first try but this recipe is, undoubtedly, the best I’ve ever done 😉

I truly hope that you’ll get inspired by this very colourful and flavourful recipe! How about your next brunch?

See you tomorrow for new inspirations!

Savoury pancakes. Pancakes salés légumes du soleil

Savoury Pancakes with Sun Vegetables

Savoury Pancakes with Sun Vegetables

On September 2020, I am taking on the challenge of offering you a new recipe every day based on a seasonal vegetable… Breakfast & Brunch pancakes, vegetables, sunny, tomato, dried, mozzarella, spinach European Print
Parts • Serves: 2 Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


Eggs: 2
Oil: 20 g
Semi-complete flour: 1 cup - 120 g
Milk: a bit more than 2/4 cup
Yeast: 1 tsp
Mozzarella: 80 g
Dried tomatoes - about 8 - 20 g
Spinach leaves: 2 handfuls
Tahini for topping


∞ Mince the spinach leaves, the sun-dried tomatoes and cut the mozzarella into cubes.
∞ In a salad bowl, mix the eggs and milk. Add the flour, baking powder and oil. Mix to obtain a very smooth preparation.
∞ Add the mozzarella, tomatoes and spinach.
∞ Cook the pancakes in a very hot and oiled frying pan. I count about two tablespoons for a pancake.
∞ I like to eat them with tahini on top and a little tomato sauce flavoured with Provençal herbs.

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