Roasted Peaches Honey – Verbena

by Caroline

Roasted Peaches Honey – Verbena

On September 2020, I am taking on the challenge of offering you a new recipe every day based on a seasonal vegetable or fruit.

Today is about peaches!

When should you try these Roasted Peaches Honey – Verbena?

Two key words for this recipe: simplicity and quickness! Three ingredients, five minutes to prepare and 30 minutes to cook. This recipe is perfect to add a nice twist to your brunch or breakfast on weekends.

In a sweet version, these peaches are delicious to eat with pancakes; In a sweet-salty version, I tested them in a salad with cheese: delicious!

And see you tomorrow for new inspirations!


PS: To discover more Breakfast and Brunch recipes you can click here.
PS bis: All my peach recipes are right here.

Pêches rôties miel-verveine. Roasted Peaches Honey - Verbena

Roasted Peaches Honey - Verbena

Roasted Peaches Honey - Verbena

Roasted Peaches Honey – Verbena On September 2020, I am taking on the challenge of offering you a new recipe every day… Sweets & Snacks peach, honey, verbena, dessert European Print
Parts • Serves: 6 peaches Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


Organic peaches: 6
Honey: 3 tbsp
Some verbena leaves


∞ Preheat the oven to 180°C.

∞ Wash the peaches, cut them in half and stone them. Put the fruits in an ovenproof dish.

∞ Add the verbena leaves, and sprinkle with honey.

∞ Bake for about 30 minutes. After 10-15 minutes of cooking time, add some water to the dish.

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