Egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie

by Caroline

I’ve made this egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie for a birthday party last week. This vegan tart is not less delicious: the combination of coconut, chocolate and hazelnuts is absolutely delicious.

Ok no egg, but what is the composition?

This pie is vegan, but it’s also very simple! I particularly like that it requires so few ingredients (especially since these ingredients are always in my kitchen!).

When to enjoy this egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie?

The preparation is not so long (less than 30 minutes) but the resting time is quite consequent. This pie is ideal for dessert on weekends, when you have more time.

In short, I am so happy to share a recipe that will certainly please those around you! What is certain is that this chocolate-hazelnut tart without egg has met with a certain success with my family and friends .


PS: For other dessert inspirations, you can discover on this blog:
– My rustic Mirabelles-Almonds pie
– My baked Peach – Honey – Verbena

Egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie

Tarte chocolat-noisette sans oeuf. Egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie

Vegan chocolate-hazelnut pie

I’ve made this egg-free chocolate-hazelnut pie for a birthday party last week. This vegan tart is not less delicious: the combination of… Sweets & Snacks cake, cake, birthday, vegan, chocolate, hazelnut, pie, egg-free European Print
Parts • Serves: 8 Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


∞ For the pie dough

Semi-complete flour: 1 cup and 1/4 cup 
Cornflour: 1/2 cup
Coconut sugar: 1/3 cup
Coconut oil: 60 g 
Vegetable milk: 1/4 cup & 1 tbsp (coconut milk here)
Salt: 1 pinch

∞ Chocolate ganache

Coconut cream: between 3/4 cup - 1 cup
Dark chocolate: 1 cup & 1 tbsp
Crushed hazelnuts: a few
Blueberries & a few hazelnuts for the dressage


First, the pie dough:

∞ Preheat the oven to 170°C.
∞ In a bowl, mix the flour, cornflour, sugar & salt and add the coconut oil with the milk. Knead for a few minutes by hand to a homogeneous ball.
∞ Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and place it in a greased & lightly floured pie tin. Prick the dough with a fork.
∞ Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. The dough must be golden brown. Leave to cool after baking while preparing the chocolate.

Then, the chocolate ganache:

∞ In a saucepan, heat the cream, over medium heat, until small bubbles appear.
∞ Remove from heat.
∞ Gradually add the chocolate pieces so that they melt in the hot cream. Mix off the heat.
∞ Place a few crushed hazelnuts on the bottom of the pie.
∞ Pour the chocolate mixture over the pie dough. Then place it for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.
∞ Just before serving, add a few crushed hazelnuts and fruit for decoration!


* If you've got any dough left, have fun ! On my side, I've made some on mini Nocciolata tarts... Yummy! *

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