Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes

by Caroline

I had been looking for a long time for an Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes recipe, very easy for those busy mornings.
What makes the preparation so simple is mainly the (small) ingredients’ list, that everyone usually has anytime in their fridge!

How about the topping on these Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes?

I don’t add any sugar in my pancake dough, but I’m having fun with my toppings… When I took this picture, I was in the French Alps so I chose blueberry jam, obviously 😉

Busy in the mornings?

For more convenience on busy mornings, simply prepare them in advance and freeze the pancakes. They can be defrosted either overnight or in the morning (in the oven or in the toaster). Then you can eat them or take them away!

I’m looking forward to reading your feedbacks about these fluffy pancakes!


PS: Discover all my pancake recipes by clicking on this link.

Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes

Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes

Banana Yogurt Easy Pancakes Breakfast & Brunch pancakes, petit-déjeuner, yaourt, banane European Print
Parts • Serves: 8-10 pancakes Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


Banana: 1
Egg: 1
Yoghurt: 1 cup (2 yoghurts of 100 g)
Semi-complete flour: 1 cup
1 pinch of salt
Baking powder: 1/2 sachet
A little coconut oil or neutral oil for cooking


∞ Crush the banana with a fork.
∞ Mix the banana with the yoghurt and the egg. Add the flour, salt and the yeast.
∞ Mix all the ingredients together and add the crushed banana.
You can also use a blender to make it even smoother!
∞ In a hot oiled pan, spread the mixture (about 3 tbsp of dough per pancake). As usual, as soon as small bubbles appear on one side, you can turn the pancake over!

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