Eggplant dip with tomatoes

by Caroline

Eggplant dip with tomatoes

On September 2020, I am taking on the challenge of offering you a new recipe every day based on a seasonal vegetable or fruit.

Today is about eggplant!

Do you know a better dip to share with your friends than the eggplant dip? Especially as you are now undoubtedly aware of my passion for Mediterranean Food ! So here is a delicious version flavored with tomatoes for even more freshness.

Preparation of the eggplant dip with tomatoes

You’ll see that it takes quite some time to cook the eggplant at the beginning of the recipe, however it’s not really a time that you take to prepare the dip. You just put it in the oven and live your life! You just have to remember that you need to prepare this recipe more than 1 hour and 1/2 before dinner. And a bit more if you prefer a fresh eggplant dip like me!

See you tomorrow for new inspirations!

PS: Are you looking for another recipe with eggplant? Try my quinoa & feta stuffed eggplants!

Caviar d'aubergine à la tomate

Eggplant dip with tomatoes

Eggplant dip with tomatoes To share eggplant, dip, tomato, to share European Print
Parts • Serves: 2 Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


Eggplant: 1
Tomatoes: 100 gr
Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
Red onion: 1/2
Coriander: 1 tbsp
Cumin: 1 tsp
Curcuma: 1 tsp
Salt & pepper
A bit of  red pepper


∞ Preheat the oven to 180°C. 
∞ Cut the eggplant in half and place it face down on a baking tray. Place in the oven for 1 hour.

∞ Slice the onion.
∞ Fry the onion in a pan with a bit of olive oil.

When the cooking time is over:
∞ In a bowl, add the eggplant flesh with a spoon. Mash it into a purée.
∞ Add the peeled tomatoes and lemon juice. Then add the seasonings: coriander, cumin, turmeric, salt, pepper, chilli pepper.
∞ To obtain a very smooth eggplant caviar, I use my handle blender for a few seconds!
∞ To finish, add the lemon juice, onions and a drizzle of olive oil and mix.

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