Buckwheat risotto with beetroot and coconut milk

by Caroline

Buckwheat risotto beetroot coconut

Our beetroot recipes are often redundant, aren’t they? A salad most of the time, a hummus on the craziest days… I wanted to share with you this original combination: beetroot / coconut.

Buckwheat for the speed, Beetroot for the colour…

Yes, today, I suggest to add some more colour on our plates with a new idea of side dish. This very original recipe is inspired by the book by the famous Deliciously Ella.

The buckwheat makes it possible not only to change from rice, but also (and above all) to prepare it in record time (only a few minutes in boiling water). So this “Risotto” is ready in only a few minutes. This being said, it is also possible to prepare this Beetroot/Coconut Milk sauce to go with a more classic risotto based on rice!

Buckwheat risotto beetroot coconut as a side dish

To balance the textures, I would recommend to enjoy this side dish with falafels or any other crispy recipe!

See you tomorrow for a new seasonal inspiration…

Buckwheat risotto with beetroot and coconut milk. risotto de sarrasin betterave coco

Buckwheat risotto with beetroot and coconut milk

Buckwheat risotto with beetroot and coconut milk

Buckwheat risotto beetroot coconut Our beetroot recipes are often redundant, aren’t they? A salad most of the time, a hummus on the… Savory risotto, buckwheat, beetroot, coconut, coconut milk, rice European Print
Parts • Serves: 2 Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


Beets: 2-3 (cooked: the equivalent of 300 gr // raw: the equivalent of 700 gr)
Buckwheat or rice: 200 gr
Lemon juice: 1 tbsp of 
Coconut milk: 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup
Onion: 1/2
Salt & pepper



1- Prepare the beets:
     ∞ Option 1: with raw beets. Cook the whole beets for one hour in the oven at 190°C. Remove them once the skin is crispy. Set them aside for a few minutes.
     ∞ Option 2: with cooked beets: cut them into pieces and set aside.
2 - Boil 1/2 litre of water.
3 - Rinse the buckwheat in cold water. The water should be clear at the end of the rinsing.
4 - Add the buckwheat to the boiling water for 1 minute, lower the heat and leave for about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat when there is no more water.
5 - Prepare the beet/coconut sauce: add the beet pulp, lemon, coconut milk, salt and pepper in a blender and mix.
     ∞ In the case of option 1 (with initially raw beetroot), first peel the hot beetroot with a knife.
6 - Stir in the cooked buckwheat sauce. Leave to heat up before serving.

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