The best vegan pancakes

by Caroline

The best vegan pancakes

I have been loving these vegan pancakes for a while now. It is certainly my favorite brunch on Sunday mornings! You can believe me: all of my friends approved this recipe as well…

On a daily basis, oilseeds are certainly a must for an energetic breakfast. Well, this is another good reason why you should definitely try these pancakes with almond powder to start your day

These are absolutely delicious, light and easy to make. In a word: the best vegan pancakes ever!

You prefer a video…? It’s available right here


PS: to discover other pancake recipes, feel free to browse my blog. There are other recipes with yoghurt, banana, and even savoury versions. Anyway, I love pancakes and it’s available right here

The best vegan pancakes
Sur cette photo, j’accompagnais mes pancakes d’une délicieuse pâte à tartiner signée Le Bon Pâtisserie. Je ne peux que te recommander d’aller découvrir cette adresse au coeur du 11ème arrondissement. Clément Yang propose des gourmandises faites bien sûr sur place, de saison, sans colorants et peu sucrées! Le Bon Pâtisserie, 68 Rue du Chemin Vert, 75011 Paris

The best vegan pancakes

Vegan Pancakes

The best vegan pancakes I have been loving these vegan pancakes for a while now. It is certainly my favorite brunch on Sunday… Breakfast & Brunch eggless, vegan, almond, breakfast, brunch European Print
Parts • Serves: 2 Preparation: Cuisson • Cooking Time:
Energy 200 Repos • Resting time 20 grams fat


3/4 cup flour (or half semi-complete wheat flour / half cornstarch)
3/4 cup almond powder
1 pinch of yeast
3/4 cup of vegetable milk (maybe add an extra tsp)
75 g applesauce
Coconut oil for cooking


∞ Combine all the dry ingredients and add in the apple sauce and the vegetable milk.
∞ Heat a frying pan oiled with coconut oil.
∞ Place a ladle or 3 tablespoons of the preparation. As soon as bubbles appear it's time to turn the pancake over!


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